The Justice of God….

The Lord is always fair in His dealings and always does what is right.. Psalm 89:14

Justice is the application of fairness to moral situations. Justice, when applied to God, describes the way God is.

Every human being will be judged fairly because it is impossible for God to do otherwise. He cannot condemn the innocent, nor can He clear the guilty. He will not turn a blind eye to moral evil in anyone. Nor will He punish with undue harshness. God is always perfectly fair in his dealings with each and every person. No favouritism is ever indulged in by God.

Moses wrote: Ascribe greatness to our God! The Rock! His work is perfect, for all His ways are just; a God of faithfulness and without injustice, righteous and upright is He (Deut. 32:3-4).

God is always just. He always acts uprightly. He always is perfectly fair. He must always do what is right, because that is His nature.

God is a God of perfect justice, and is perfectly righteous. There is one and only one way that God’s righteousness can come to any man – through Christ. At great cost to Himself, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob sent His Son into this world to become our Justifier. He came so that we who are unrighteous and unjust sinners can be made right in the sight of His Father. He made Jesus who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God when we are joined to Him.

When by our faith we are joined to Christ, we belong to Christ. The just penalty for sin was perfectly exacted when Jesus, our Atonement, died for us on the cross. When we are joined to the Lord, God’s justice can be perfectly satisfied, and He can declare a sinner just.

Life in this world is full of injustice. Sometimes we have the ability and the power to do something about it. We can voice our opinions, fight the battels. But often correcting the inequity we see is beyond our ability. When you find yourself confronted by injustice that is beyond your ability to correct, you can call it to the attention of the Just Judge, and in due time He will bring His justice to that situation. When Abraham interceded for the righteous within the city of Sodom, he reminded the Lord God that He had to act like Himself:

Far be it from You to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous and the wicked are treated alike. Far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth deal justly (Genesis 18:25)?

God’s response to your plea for justice might not come the way you want, or in the time you want, but God’s justice will definitely come. Be very patient. You can confidently rest in the assurance that His righteousness will come. Although injustice might prevail at times, on earth, it will ultimately be righted in heaven.

Does the knowledge of the righteousness of God bring you a sense of joy, or terror? Are you trying to do the right things?

There have been times when I have been wronged, and I know the anguish and I understand the pain. But I always remember God being by my side. If I did’nt feel His presence in my darkest moments, I called on Him and He would always answer. This would be one of Gods favorite mode of numbers for me to know that everything will be alright.

Exodus 14:14   The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.  

Remember:  Do right by God and walk faithfully. Be obedient.


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